
Chiara Firenze

Biomedical Engineer, operating in the field of technical orthopedics and motor rehabilitation with experience in the Marketing area; Master in “Management of health services”. Study of classical and modern dance since childhood with several teachers, Patrizia Carratù, Dario Brigo, Antonella Ledda, Inna Grigorieva, Silvia Pollini, Guendalina Fazzini. Professional experience as a dancer in various local productions including shows in the theatrical seasons 2003 2005 of the Albatros Theater of Genoa and themed performances in the Swing events of Genoa. Updates and internships with various teachers including: Emanuela Tagliavia, Amelia Colombini, Paolo Fossa, Carl Portal, Redha, Mia Molinari, Leon Cino, Erika Silgoner, Daniele Ziglioli.

Partner of Francesca Lavecchia for the project “Danza in Fascia®”.



Rachel Galli

Employed in the transport sector, I studied marketing and communication. Danza in Fascia® student since 2015 (when my first child was only 3 months old) where I rediscovered my passion for dance. I fell in love with the project and now I work with Francesca and Chiara managing the website and YouTube channel.



A special thanks to all the mums who have lived Danza In Fascia® actively, each proactively helping in their own way to make this project what it is today, even at a national level.