“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” (Lao Tzu)
…and this is what I wish for you girls, a journey rich in smiles of emotion and joy!!!
The DANZA IN FASCIA® teachers are dance teachers with technical skills who have also followed a learning path with specialists in the neonatal sector, such as obstetricians, physiotherapists, psychologists etc. During this course they have acquired the knowledge on how to set up appropriate lessons for new mothers with specifically studied exercises.
A heartfelt thanks to the teachers who participated and who have been participating in this wonderful project for years:
The doctors Patrizia Baldrighi, Isa Blanchi, Angela Cicconetti, Alessandra Pagni, Annalisa Parodi; to the director of the BabyWearing Italia® school Ilaria Cinefra and above all a heartfelt thanks to those who work behind the scenes of this project but, as is known in the dance world, without whom it would be impossible to create something so beautiful!
You will find the names and locations of their activities on the WHERE page