Words from the heart – my Danza in Fascia® story

This is the photo of my first Dance Class at Nervi, in July last year; Carolina was just 2 months old, she weighed a meager 4 kg, and she was so small and light that when I held her in the wrap I felt like I had her back in my belly again. She was very hot, but she was one with my skin, and she slept with her sweaty face on me. My body was still so different from what I’ve been used to for my whole life, so round and fat!

A few days before, my friend Ilaria had sent me a message: write to Francesca, go to Danza in Fascia®, you won’t regret it! I was a little hesitant because I was still an insecure mother, uncertain, a little scared, I still had difficulty organizing myself to go out with that little creature… then I decided, because I really needed to do something for me without leaving her, and because dance has accompanied me in one way or another throughout my life and I knew that, this time too, living it in this new shape would have been the right choice!

And so our adventure began in the wonderful world of Danza in Fascia®!

When in October I started the course in the city, Carolina was a little bit bigger, I was more autonomous and calm, and entering that gym full of mothers just like me was a real moment of happiness! The Wednesday morning lesson began to mark our week. In a lesson there is everything: chatter with other mothers, a bit of exercise for my poor physique which did not want to return to it’s prior state, topped off with a little cuddling for the little ones, in the background so much beautiful healthy music, accompanied by the sweetness and professionalism of a wonderful teacher! Danza in Fascia® is joy, laughter, newborn noises; and then it is dancing, you and your daughter together, two who become a single body again. And this for me was really a great, unique emotion that I had not imagined experiencing!
The months have gone by fast, I’ve seen Carolina grow at every lesson, move more and more on the mat, interact with other children, start moving her feet in the wrap, laugh, sleep… I know that attending this course was great for me, but also a gift I gave to her: this was quality time spent together!
The Christmas party was special: the magic of Christmas exists thanks to the children, and the first Christmas as a mother is not forgotten, nor is the first performance of Danza in Fascia®! I know for sure that two people watching us were moved: my husband, seeing me and our little girl dancing together, and my dad, who never missed a dance recital of mine, seeing me now a woman and mother, dancing again!
Returning to work in January after maternity leave, I was saved by the afternoon course! And so many more lessons, with my little girl getting bigger and bigger, with those little legs now sprouting from the baby carrier longer and fatter! And so we have lived so many emotions together… seeing the other mums on TV and feeling moved by being part of a big family… living an extraordinary adventure in Danza in Fiera in Florence… Our first Father’s Day, seeing how much infinite sweetness can come out of every inch of a dad holding his own baby… great, unique emotions that will remain forever in my mother’s heart along with sweeter memories.
And now here I am, almost at the end of this journey, with Carolina almost a year old now with her abundant 9 kg, my body that is slowly returning to it’s “original” form.
I’m here with a bit of nostalgia to say thank you: THANK YOU Francesca for this wonderful world! Thank you for your smile, for the joy, for being able to bring dance to all mothers and their children, thank you for your professionalism and passion, thanks for the times you have taken Carolina in your arms, thanks for the ab and butt work (parts that we thought we had lost), thanks for making us feel the hearts of our children that beat against ours in the last minutes of the lesson, and make us feel and live the music!
Thanks, because mothers really need all this.
Thank you, with all my heart, from Chiara and Carolina

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